Google Apps provides your entire campus community - including students, faculty, staff, alumni - the tools they need to communicate and collaborate more effectively.
What is Google Apps for Education?
It is a specific grouping of applications tailored for use in schools.
These include:
Provide email accounts to Students, Faculty, and Alumni
(Email space is now over 7.0 gigs per user)
Provides collaborative technological skills students will need in the workplace.
Increase your email system storage
No more updating servers and patching spam filters
Focus your IT on activities that add value instead of worrying about the uptime of your email services.
99.9% uptime reliability guarantee
Offered COMPLETELY FREE to educational instituitions, you only have to pay $8-10 A YEAR for a domain name
Google allows you to disable services you don't want
to use
No equipment required - Saves Money
No email server
No file server No backup server No need to block spam
No software required - Saves Money
No office suites to purchase (MS Office is certainly not free!)
No security issues (hacked software, etc.)
No compatibility issues (.doc vs .docx, Mac vs PC.)
No maintenance (software installation, updating, troubleshooting)
The only requirement is a computer with an internet connection
Huge benefit - Everything is stored with Google and you don't lose valuable remaining server space.
Saves money on ink and paper - Teachers can edit, correct and grade work without printing a single sheet of paper.
There are absolutely no advertisements used with the Google Apps Education Edition.
Users can create:
Documents, spreadsheets, surveys, quizzes, slideshows, websites, intranets, wikis, calendars, instant message groups and videoconferences
These creations can be shared with or edited by students, peers or parents… or kept entirely private
Students and teachers can log in anywhere/anytime to collaborate and communicate on homework, class assignments and/or projects